Who is Ask Oily?

Greetings freaks and geeks!

My name is Lindsay and I am the evil genius behind Ask Oily.

I consider myself to be some kind of modern hippie, but I don't wear patchouli all the time or long flowing skirts. I also wear a bra (usually) and have not been caught burning one in yeaaaaars.

I'm assuming you are either here to learn about who and what I am (re: changeling). Or did you just click the wrong link? If so, turn back now!

The History of Ask Oily

The Dramatic Start

I'll save the long-winded story about how I started eliminating chemicals from my life and being more natural and "crunchy" to save the whales or something because.. it would be a total lie.

I started learning about natural living for purely selfish reasons.

About four years ago, my husband was seriously injured. People like to tell you that events like that usually make you take a step back, reevaluate your life, and figure out what's truly important. From there, it's smooth sailing because you have vision and purpose and everything is just sunshine and roses.

That's not what happened.

Instead, our lives got turned upside down. We didn't have any time to start contemplating the meaning and direction of our lives. We were too busy trying to function, not get kicked out of our apartment, and get my husband the medical help that he needed.

Oh yeah.. and fight an epic lawsuit, work, put food on the table. All that boring stuff.

The Climax of the Story

Fast forward two years and I was a hot mess. I was stressed to the point of making myself sick. I was just falling apart physically, emotionally, mentally. Are there other ways to fall apart? If there are, I was doing that. It was bad.

And then I started to turn that around.

I found essential oils and I found out that educating myself on what I was doing to my body and the good things I could be doing instead was important.

I started making little changes to take care of myself. I started eliminating chemicals, being more natural, and slowly started using natural products like essential oils. And I discovered something amazing: taking little changes in my life didn't result in little overall change. Those little actions resulted in BIG changes!

Got that? Little life style changes equaled big life changes.

Happily Ever After

So here I am. I'm not going to pretend that I'm not still a total hot mess at times because I am.

At the same time, I am more empowered and more in control of my life than I have ever been before. I know that, little by little, I am getting to where I need to be.

I am becoming the happiest, healthiest version of me!

What else is there?

So now you know my great and inspiring story. Got the warm feelz, didn't you? Yep, I have that effect on people.

I'll feed your stalker tendencies by offering up more information about myself.

I am happily married to my best friend. We were high school sweethearts (that's us looking super awesome at age 16) and he's just the best. He couldn't have been more supportive from the very start of my natural living and health-seeking journey.

Together, we are giant nerds

I like text-based role playing games. 

I like fairy tale stories. 

I like books and books and more books! I'm the kind of person that annoys the crap out of you by saying, "The book was better." Of course, you knew that already. The book is always better!